Infographic Transcript
Discover the Top Industries in Alabama
Access the GuideAlabama exports make up a huge portion of the economy in the state. Money from exportation in Alabama totaled $21.3 billion in 2018! [1]
The top five countries that Alabama exports to, based on dollar value, are: [2]
- Canada – 19%
- China – 14.3%
- Mexico – 12.1%
- Germany – 11.9%
- Japan – 3.8%
Some Alabama exports might not be what you’d expect. Here’s a look at a few of the most profitable and job-producing industries exporting goods in the state.
Transportation Equipment
Alabama’s number one export category includes motor vehicles and parts.
Alabama is ranked third in the nation for automotive exporting. [3]
Alabama’s second largest export category is bolstered by 200 chemical companies in the state. [3]
The industry employs more than 10,400 people. [3]
Agricultural Products
Some of Alabama’s most profitable crops include: [4]
- Cotton
- Poultry
- Eggs
- Soybeans
- Peanuts
- Corn
- Wheat
One out of every 4.6 jobs are related to agriculture in Alabama. [4]
Fish and Other Marine Products
Annual exports of fish and other marine products have grown steadily in Alabama since 2016. [3]
Alabama is second in the nation for catfish production. [5]
More than 43,000 Alabama residents working in the metal manufacturing industry. [3]
Exports of primary metal manufactured goods reached $1.9 billion in 2017. [3]
Business skills are in demand in Alabama and across the nation to manage exportation. Consider a business degree from the University of West Alabama to lead in these industries.
With copious business opportunities in these top exporting industries, it’s easier than ever to earn your degree in Alabama and stay in the state to advance your career. To enhance your business skills to market yourself in these Alabama trades, consider an online business administration degree from the University of West Alabama. Already have a bachelor’s degree? Our online MBA program offers many areas of focus for those looking to further your business knowledge, including entrepreneurship, management and marketing.
- al.com
- census.gov
- madeinalabama.com
- farmflavor.com
- alfafarmers.org